
Privacy policy

CS Port Co., Ltd. complies with the relevant laws in Japan with regard to personal information handled in the course of business. We have established the following privacy policy, which is explained below.

Acquisition of Personal Information

We will acquire personal information only by fair means.

Use of Personal Information

We will use personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes of use. If we use personal information for purposes not specified below, we will obtain the prior consent of the person concerned.

- To respond to inquiries and requests from customers
- To use for services provided to customers.
- To disclose personal information in advance when we ask you to provide it.

Safe Management of Personal Information

We manage and operate personal information safely. In order to prevent risks such as loss, damage, destruction, falsification, leakage, unauthorized access, and unauthorized disclosure, we will take necessary and appropriate safety control measures, including training for employees and thorough enforcement of information security regulations.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the prior consent of the person concerned, except as required by relevant laws in Japan.

Disclosure and correction of personal information

If you request disclosure of your personal information, we will promptly disclose it to you. If we are unable to confirm the identity at that time, we will not respond to the request. If there is an error in the content of personal information and the person requests correction, addition, or deletion of the information, we will promptly respond to such request after investigation. If we are unable to confirm the identity at that time, we will not respond to the request.

Contact for Inquiries

If you have any questions or concerns about our handling of personal information, please contact us at the following address.

1-1-18, Nishinakanomachi, Toyama-city Toyama, 939-8084, Japan
Phone +81-076-461-4188

About this Privacy Policy

The contents of this Privacy Policy are subject to change as necessary.

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